"...taken from GHSA website"
Each GHSA official shall:
1. Constantly uphold the honor and dignity of the avocation of officiating in all personal conduct and relations with the student-athletes, coaches, administrators, fellow-officials, and the general public.
2. Devote time, thought, and study to the rules of the game and to the mechanics necessary to apply these rules so that the officiating performance will be carried out in a fair and professional manner.
3. An official must be prepared both physically and mentally, dress according to expectations, and maintain a proper appearance that is befitting the professional image of an official.
4. Uphold the By-Laws and the legal regulations of the GHSA – being aware that high school officiating involves a public trust.
5. Exercise a high level of integrity when entering into contractual negotiations with GHSA schools.
6. Never discriminate unfairly by dispensing special favors or privileges to anyone (whether for remuneration or not); and never accept favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of one's officiating duties.
7. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of officials since a GHSA official has no private word which can be binding on public duty.
8. Expose corruption and breaches of integrity wherever discovered.
9. Work with fellow officials and the Georgia High School Association in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that may arise.
Suggest Adding to Item 8:
Association's board of directors shall comply with federal gross receipts reporting, unincorporated or incorporated. Those found without "IRS Determination Letter, must "resign" without question. Resignation will not remove accountability for their actions. An investigation by the Georgia Attorney General and/or IRS aduit may follow. Individuals involved will be "banned for life" from participating in GHSA sanctioned activities.
1. Constantly uphold the honor and dignity of the avocation of officiating in all personal conduct and relations with the student-athletes, coaches, administrators, fellow-officials, and the general public.
2. Devote time, thought, and study to the rules of the game and to the mechanics necessary to apply these rules so that the officiating performance will be carried out in a fair and professional manner.
3. An official must be prepared both physically and mentally, dress according to expectations, and maintain a proper appearance that is befitting the professional image of an official.
4. Uphold the By-Laws and the legal regulations of the GHSA – being aware that high school officiating involves a public trust.
5. Exercise a high level of integrity when entering into contractual negotiations with GHSA schools.
6. Never discriminate unfairly by dispensing special favors or privileges to anyone (whether for remuneration or not); and never accept favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of one's officiating duties.
7. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of officials since a GHSA official has no private word which can be binding on public duty.
8. Expose corruption and breaches of integrity wherever discovered.
9. Work with fellow officials and the Georgia High School Association in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that may arise.
Suggest Adding to Item 8:
Association's board of directors shall comply with federal gross receipts reporting, unincorporated or incorporated. Those found without "IRS Determination Letter, must "resign" without question. Resignation will not remove accountability for their actions. An investigation by the Georgia Attorney General and/or IRS aduit may follow. Individuals involved will be "banned for life" from participating in GHSA sanctioned activities.
(copied from GHSA Contest Officials Handbook and Accountability Program, dated August 2009)
Officials shall not use his/her position as a GHSA Contest Official for private gain, exclusive to the payment of contest fees.
Officials are not allowed circumvent GHSA Policies & Procedures when making decision related to GHSA sanctioned events.
Officials shall not seek to influence a coach or administrator for the purpose of promoting personal officiating opportunities.
Officials shall not accept assignment to a school where he/she is currently employed, has relatives enrolled or employed at, or has attended in the previous 10 years.
Officials shall not publicly criticize fellow officials, coaches, administrators, or players.
Officials shall not engage in criminal, dishonest, disgraceful, or immoral conduct that jeopardizes the integrity of officiating or the GHSA.
Officials shall not engage in any behavior that can be considered sexual harassment by a reasonable person.
Officials shall not consume/ingest any substance prior to the assigned contest that may impair his/her physical or mental abilities.
In the event of violations of the GHSA Code of Ethics and/or Standards of Conduct, the Executive Director has the authority to invoke penalties involving fines, probation, and/or suspension. Individuals receiving penalties
(copied from GHSA Contest Officials Handbook and Accountability Program, dated August 2009)
Officials shall not use his/her position as a GHSA Contest Official for private gain, exclusive to the payment of contest fees.
Officials are not allowed circumvent GHSA Policies & Procedures when making decision related to GHSA sanctioned events.
Officials shall not seek to influence a coach or administrator for the purpose of promoting personal officiating opportunities.
Officials shall not accept assignment to a school where he/she is currently employed, has relatives enrolled or employed at, or has attended in the previous 10 years.
Officials shall not publicly criticize fellow officials, coaches, administrators, or players.
Officials shall not engage in criminal, dishonest, disgraceful, or immoral conduct that jeopardizes the integrity of officiating or the GHSA.
Officials shall not engage in any behavior that can be considered sexual harassment by a reasonable person.
Officials shall not consume/ingest any substance prior to the assigned contest that may impair his/her physical or mental abilities.
In the event of violations of the GHSA Code of Ethics and/or Standards of Conduct, the Executive Director has the authority to invoke penalties involving fines, probation, and/or suspension. Individuals receiving penalties
Updated 29 February 2012