Local Association Committees
"Assurance of Fair, Open, and Democratic Process"
"Assurance of Fair, Open, and Democratic Process"
Most associations have a Board of Directors to handle all association's business. Some elected officers have taken it to another level by sharing
the powers and authority of the board of directors with the Executive Board. In short, persons on the board of directors are also on the Executive Board. Talking about a dictatorship at its best. Total control restricts recommendations and suggestions from the general membership.
Any recommendation or suggestion that the Executive Board and/or board of directors, do not like will never be debated before the general membership. So there is no openness, no fairness, and absolutely no democratic process for the membership. The longer a board of directors and executive committee has been in power, there are chances that some illegal activities is being conducted. The membership (officals) are puppets to serve and assist the board of directors, executive board and the Group of 85ers meet their contractual obligations. That be's the facts!!
In April 2010, I submitted suggestions to the secretary of an association, no bylaws committee exist. It was the elected board of directors, hence the executive committee who determined what bylaws needed to be added, changed, and deleted. Later, a copy was eMailed to each member as the first reading, held a general membership meeting, and voiced voted its approval. Prior to voice vote, one member did make a statement about the email being the "first reading". The amended bylaws passed with a voice vote. The document was not signed by the president and secretary and witness by, before the general membership. By the way, all officers (ran unopposed) were re-elected to a new two (2) year term by voice vote.
Local Committees. Its imperative that an association have local committees from the general membership in place to remove absolute control by the executive committee. There is no need for an executive board, when there is a board of directors. Committees are to ensure that the corporation operate in a fair, open, and democratic manner in the best interest of each of its members.
Evaluation Committee. This committee shall supervise the corporation's official evaluation program. (3)
Assignment Committee. This committee shall supervise the selection of member officials to GHSA regular season contests. GHSA calls this position Assignment Coordinator. (3)
The GHSA criterion of officiating the required number of meets or games is as follows:
1. Approved and Certified officials may earn one-half the required number of contests working JV games (Ex: 2 JV games = 1 Varsity game).
2. Registered officials may earn all their game credits working sub-varsity games.
3. The minimum number of varsity games required in each sport is:
Recommendations Committee. This committee shall supervise the selection of member officials to GHSA post-season contests. The booking agent/assignor should act on the recommendations of this committee. (5)
Education and Training Committee. This committee shall supervise the planning, content and implementation of training sessions, including on-the-field training. This also includes educating local officials on GHSA policies and procedures, NFHS rules and mechanics, and developing an up-to-date curriculum. (3)
Ethics and Grievance Committee. Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall, hear complaints from members of the association. If unable to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the member, shall report to the Executive Committee. If unresolved by that committee, the problem shall be brought before the general membership. (5)
Special Committees
Finance Review Committee. This committee shall study the financial affairs of the corporation and conduct an annual audit. A third party can be used to audit the association's finances.
Bylaws Committee. This committee shall study the chartering documents of the corporation, conduct an annual review thereof (with a report to the membership), and make recommendations to the membership regarding proposed Bylaw amendments.
Audit Committee. This committee shall study the chartering documents of the corporation, conduct an annual review of the association's financial records.
In April 2010, I submitted suggestions to the secretary of an association, no bylaws committee exist. It was the elected board of directors, hence the executive committee who determined what bylaws needed to be added, changed, and deleted. Later, a copy was eMailed to each member as the first reading, held a general membership meeting, and voiced voted its approval. Prior to voice vote, one member did make a statement about the email being the "first reading". The amended bylaws passed with a voice vote. The document was not signed by the president and secretary and witness by, before the general membership. By the way, all officers (ran unopposed) were re-elected to a new two (2) year term by voice vote.
Local Committees. Its imperative that an association have local committees from the general membership in place to remove absolute control by the executive committee. There is no need for an executive board, when there is a board of directors. Committees are to ensure that the corporation operate in a fair, open, and democratic manner in the best interest of each of its members.
Evaluation Committee. This committee shall supervise the corporation's official evaluation program. (3)
Assignment Committee. This committee shall supervise the selection of member officials to GHSA regular season contests. GHSA calls this position Assignment Coordinator. (3)
The GHSA criterion of officiating the required number of meets or games is as follows:
1. Approved and Certified officials may earn one-half the required number of contests working JV games (Ex: 2 JV games = 1 Varsity game).
2. Registered officials may earn all their game credits working sub-varsity games.
3. The minimum number of varsity games required in each sport is:
Recommendations Committee. This committee shall supervise the selection of member officials to GHSA post-season contests. The booking agent/assignor should act on the recommendations of this committee. (5)
Education and Training Committee. This committee shall supervise the planning, content and implementation of training sessions, including on-the-field training. This also includes educating local officials on GHSA policies and procedures, NFHS rules and mechanics, and developing an up-to-date curriculum. (3)
Ethics and Grievance Committee. Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall, hear complaints from members of the association. If unable to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the member, shall report to the Executive Committee. If unresolved by that committee, the problem shall be brought before the general membership. (5)
Special Committees
Finance Review Committee. This committee shall study the financial affairs of the corporation and conduct an annual audit. A third party can be used to audit the association's finances.
Bylaws Committee. This committee shall study the chartering documents of the corporation, conduct an annual review thereof (with a report to the membership), and make recommendations to the membership regarding proposed Bylaw amendments.
Audit Committee. This committee shall study the chartering documents of the corporation, conduct an annual review of the association's financial records.